Friday, April 14, 2006

And a one and a two and a one two three four

Originally uploaded by aimbly.
So LAST week - the one I missed (sorry), I was doing odd bass drum beats.
Which as you can imagine I was rubbish at.
Although THIS week we re-covered it a bit and instead of only playing eighth notes on the hi-hat I was playing 16ths on the ride, which made the bass drum almost easier when it was on the notes next to each other.

Have I explained the counting?

Right, so to count a bar for most music it's:
1, 2, 3, 4.

Simple enough.

But to keep beat I'm using the high hat usually on the eighth.

So I count:

I and 2 and 3 and 4 and.

Again. Simple enough.

But sometime you need to be ultra quick.
And then we do 16ths.
Which go:

1 e and a, 2 e and a, 3 e and a, 4 e and a.

Which is a lot of hitting.
Especially with one hand.
Although I was counting it as 'one e oh a' for ages mistakenly.
That's what I get for not listening properly.

So bass drum was with high hat on eighths last week and snare drum on the '2'.
And then where the bass drum varied on what number exercise I was doing.

I was rubbish.
And then I did all right when I got home last week until I tried to play 16th notes on the bass drum and 8th notes on the high hat, whereupon all my coordination left me and I turned into a frustrated wreak who was very angry at everything.
But that's no surprise really.

Unfortunately then work went pair shaped and I started suffering from RSI again.
Had a mini relapse - which just means that I get the burning sensation half way up my forearm on the underside (just up from the bottom of the watch strap) and my hand (especially the palm) starts cramping up and aching.
Which is when I know to stop using my hand immediately for anything and ice it if I can.
Unfortunately I was at work so there was no ice to be had.
I did put on the wrist support the hospital gave me though - which is like the wrist protectors roller bladers etc wear so that if they fall they don't break their wrist - with the hard piece of plastic down the palm and down the forearm.
But it then continued to play up for a few days, which meant I was wary about playing drums.
I did give it a little go and actually, it did seem to make it feel BETTER, which is surprising.
Just goes to show I obviously use completely different tendons for work than I do for drumming.
Anyway, I still thought it was sensible to stop playing for a few days till it stopped being so inflamed.
So no more practice for last week especially as I went to see some proper drummers play on Wednesday.

And I would have done some today except I had to blog about all the stuff I'd been unable to blog about because I had RSI.
And that's made it flame up again.
Oh the irony.

So yeah, apart from that, not much going on.
I have been offered a drum kit which is for sale.
I'm not entirely sure it's a bargain at the moment.
If any of you who drum wants to hear the specs, price etc and tell me if it's a good deal or not, I'd be most happy for your advice.


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